
Programs for ages Walking - 5 years

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Lemon Lions (Walking – 3 years)
The Wee Gym’s curriculum provides a range of activities that focus on fun and exploration of movement and gymnastics skills such as balance, running, jumping climbing & coordination. Children will learn how to follow simple circuits and interact with other children in a sport setting. This is an excellent class for energetic toddlers to get an early start on an active lifestyle and development of physical literacy. Parents will actively participate with their children based on the direction of the instructor.

Green Gorillas (3 – 5 years)
In this class, children will harness their independence while still have the security of their parent. Green Gorilla’s will further expand their skills taught in the Lemon Lions class as well as other social and motor skills. With specific stations and activities, your child will interact with others and follow direction both individually and within a group from the instructor. This class promotes the development of physical abilities, self-confidence, listening skills and socialization in a sport setting. For participating parents activities in this class will be based on the direction of the instructor.